
As we look towards this coming Sunday, Read Isaiah 45:18-23.

God often uses creation as evidence of His power.  God asks people to look around and see what He has done.  No one can deny the splendor of creation.  It is wonderful and unique.  God created with layers and depth.

One the things I like about the Lord of the Rings books is the level and depth of world building that Tolkien undertakes to even begin telling his story.  He exercises great care.  That history adds tremendous meaning and anchors the majesty of the story.

When Jesus turned the water into wine, he made good wine (John 2:1-11).  Good wine implies aged wine, aged wine means God creates with depth.  It is no happenstance that the story of the Jesus creating wine is just after we hear that Jesus was there at creation.  Throughout the entirety of the Bible.  Creation is mentioned over and over.

Take a few minutes today to observe creation.  Sit in silence and watch nature happen around you.  It is singing the praises of God.

Breath and observe…God cares for nature, and He cares for you.

Listen to song below, consider the God of Wonders.

When people acknowledge the God of Creation, then they will have no problem understanding that His will is for their benefit.  Isaiah 45:22 commands ALL the people to turn to Him and be saved.  Praise God for His salvation.

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