Contact: Brian Hays  770-317-2224

Mission Experience

Our Mission Team will serve at El Camino Y La Verdad in Choluteca, Honduras August 3-10, 2024.

Grace church extends a warm welcome

In August of 2022, The Way and The Truth Ministry went on a trip to Choluteca, Honduras to envision possibilities for the future. While there, we visited, worshiped with, and prayed for all seven churches of Ministerio El Camino y La Verdad.  God spoke to us and showed us a vision for the future. We came back and presented to Grace Church what God is leading us to do.  The leadership added its blessing to our ministry and this year we begin to create a mission outreach partnership with The Way and The Truth Ministry, Ministerio El Camino y La Verdad, and Grace Church of Perry. We are super excited about this partnership.

Education Assistance

Sponsor 100 children financially and prayerfully to be able to attend school in 2024 (February - November). We have funded 75 children to attend school this year. Only 25 to go. With YOUR help we can achieve our goal. For a short period, we will still be accepting sponsorships.
In 2023, 52 children were sponsored, and all children graduated to the next level.   

 The children in Choluteca have started school!
 Thank You Grace Church.

From a parent of one of the children: 
Thank you, Grace Church, so much for sponsoring my little girl.
She is so proud to be able to go to school. I love you, your ministry, and
our Pastor Fidel. Dios lo Bendiga (God Bless You).

Because of your generosity, these children received a backpack with (filled with starter school supplies),
and a uniform for school, including shoes and an exercise shirt, shorts and tennis shoes.